10 Main Features of the PUBG Mobile Lite Game, You must know!

10 Features of the PUBG Mobile Lite Game,

ibloggertren.comPUBG Corporation has just released its newest game, PUBG Mobile Lite. Users can already download it for free on the Google Play Store.

With the latest pubg lite game from tencent, it makes fans of pubg players more enthusiastic about the game.
however, Tencent made pubg lite a little different from the pubg mobile game they published. Both of the features and appearance and specifications of pubg lite
the difference with  PUBG MOBILE specifications and appearance is also very pronounced. of course you want to know what are the 10 Main Features of the PUBG Mobile Lite Game? please refer to the following article:

  1. Enhanced Aim Assist

This is a help feature for aiming targets, used to make shots simpler and more useful when playing in locations with weak networks.
This feature gives the difference in intensity when the character is in a crawling and standing position, and simplifies game control without having to reduce the excitement when playing games.

    2.Upgrade to Winner Pass

Winner Pass is a feature that replaces Royale Pass in the regular version of PUBG Mobile, with the ability to obtain achievement that is much faster in opening Unlock and span a month, with a fantastic prize offer.

   3.Bullet Trail Adjustment

PUBG Mobile Lite will feature an increase in bullet speed and no effect on decreasing bullet speed, with clearer shots specifically made to account for locations with weak networks.

   4.Weapon Recoil Suppression

The character's compliance mechanism in reducing weapons to a certain amount, as well as facilitating game control to make a better experience on a weak network.

It should be noted, different weapons have different pressure effects, with different experiences on each weapon.

  5. Extended Time to Kill

This new feature increases "attack time" so that it boosts the player's ability to defend during battles and makes the game more exciting.

   6. Location Display

The location map will display the shooter's perspective with a minimalist map range, providing simple battle information, while increasing combat speed.

7. Heal yourself while moving

Now, players can heal themselves in any situation unless they are in vulnerable conditions. This is very useful in stressful conditions where fighting movements hinder the healing mechanism in the game.

This feature will also help speed up the game and improve defensive abilities.

8. Building Areas / Supplies optimization

Completing smaller map forms, building densities and frequency of findings are increased to speed up the collection process, while increasing the tempo of battle.

9. Map Quality Optimization

PUBG Mobile Lite also displays optimal map quality and initial layers when players dive using parachutes.

10. RPG and New Firearm integration

Players will be able to feel new weapons in certain game modes on the Lite version of PUBG Mobile. This allows players to have the opportunity to form new attack and defense tactics.

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